How To Identify A Good Fellowship And Church

It is the desire of every person to belong to a church where they are satisfied that they are growing spiritually. Many people have looked for new churches at some point in their lives. Some have been able to find sanctuaries which they can call a home while others have taken so much time to identify where they can fellowship. For more info visit here
If the church that you are looking as an individual does not adhere to the proper teachings of the word of god and the bible, then you have no reason to continue holding on to the place but you only need to continue searching further. The bible has very harsh words especially when it talks concerning the false teaches.
The following factors can guide you as you try to look for a place of worship, either for your and your family.
Firstly, the church must be informed by the bible. The only way that God reveals his character to all people in the earth is through the person of Christ his son, and it is only in the bible where we learn about Jesus, the only begotten son of God. The church must therefore be a bible believing church and their doctrines should alight to the teaching of scripture. You should also be careful not to end up joining a cult or an occult. This are the sects or churches that have believed in the wrong interpretation of the scripture and their followers and members have believed and followed suit. A church that applies the truth in the nibble will help you grow to become more like Jesus and your character will be transformed. Click on
Secondly, a church that you choose to fellowship must be aligned with your convictions. Many churches and denominations have come up because of the different faith emphasis that they have. Churches like Pentecostal have put more emphasis on the gifts of the Holy Spirit whereas churches alike the Catholic Church place greater emphasis on the traditions, baptism and highly have reverence to Mary the mother of Jesus. At the end, the different religions complement each other. When you therefore read your bible as an individual, discern and choose wisely on where to join and fellowship. Find the church that mostly or fully aligns with your belief.
Thirdly, consider choosing a fellowship where all your family members shall get involved. Where you just attend without any engagement, find yourself becoming more of a church attendant and you are likely to get bored. However, identify where you can be given a position of leadership to keep you engaged and also you can be involved in the transformation of the communities around the church. See more on